We are a Construction Ministry Based in Lancaster PA

Our purpose at Flashpoint Missions is to build infrastructure for established ministries and long term missionaries.

We partner long term with vetted ministries worldwide by sending volunteer teams on short term work trips to build churches, schools, housing or whatever is needed to maximize their impact for the Kingdom

We believe the Great Commission is a long game, and is best accomplished by committed missionaries serving long term in any given area. However, we've also seen short term missions to be an effective way to get the whole Body of Christ involved in the work and connected to those serving long term. Our vision is to serve as a bridge between those serving full time, long term, and those who are able to commit some of their time and skills to a short term mission trip

What We Do

What We Do

 We organize and send teams of construction volunteers to help meet the needs of established Ministries and Missionaries who need infrastructure in order to keep growing.


  • Missionary housing
  • Bible schools
  • Training centers
  • Youth centers
  • Church buildings
  • Warehouses
  • Distribution Facilities

How We Do It

Flashpoint Missions operates through the help of many volunteers and donors who share our faith, vision and values. We also have a board of directors and a few paid staff to oversee projects, planning, media etc. Most of our work teams consist of 6-10 people volunteering for two or three weeks at a time on various projects around the world.

Why We Do It

Flashpoint Missions is more than just a construction organization. We believe that God has called us to use our construction skills and resources to serve Him and His people. We believe that every project is an opportunity to share the love and message of Jesus Christ. We believe every facility we build is a tool to advance the Kingdom of God and to glorify His name. Even the work of our hands can be an act of worship to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

How You Can Help

Here are a few ways you can get involved:

 - Volunteer

Check our website for upcoming projects, and join one of our teams! All trades and skillsets welcomed, men or women, young and old!

- Prayer

Please pray for Flashpoint Missions that God will continue to open doors to increase His Kingdom around the world

- Donations

Flashpoint Missions is a 501©3 organization. Donations of any amount are appreciated. We tithe 10% of all funds donated to us, giving them to one of the ministries we're working with on a current project. Become a monthly partner, and set your giving to an automatic recurring gift!


We need your help

Join us on a construction team to help a ministry in ways that empower them to follow God's call on their life!

We do this by building/ renovating schools, homes, churches, or anything they need to grow and operate more smoothly.

Whether you are called to go, send, or support, there is a place for you at Flashpoint Missions. Contact us today to learn how you can get involved. 

Partnering With Ministries All Over The World

We serve Mission Organizations and Churches from various places on the globe. If you or a ministry you know is in need of construction labor, please reach out to one of our team members today. We are here to serve those who are answering the call!

 Flashpoint Missions is not only about construction projects, but also about building relationships, sharing the love of Christ, and witnessing the power of God at work.


Matt Glick

I was blessed to be a part of the YWAM Madang team which consisted of 5 guys and a 3 1/2 week trip. Our mission was to start construction on a build-out inside an existing steel building which will eventually be offices for bible translation, a recording studio, a big worship room and more.


However the materials for the project were being held up at the port due to improper management,but we were able to get the the building ready for the materials and also did a lot of small projects at the Ywam base.

We also had the opportunity to join weekly outreach which consisted of street ministry and evangelism. The harvest is ripe in Papua New Guinea and people are very receptive to the gospel! It was an incredible privilege to see what God is doing in this nation and to be able to work alongside the people of Papua New Guinea and build lasting friendships that won't be forgotten.

Papua New Guinea is quite a unique and beautiful country, and the people there are very friendly and loving. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone!!