What Our People Are Saying

We have had many volunteers and ministries from various different backgrounds, here is what they have to say about working with us

  • Volunteer Testimonies
  • Partner Ministry Testimonies
Volunteer Testimonies

Matt Glick

PNG 2025

I was blessed to be a part of the YWAM Madang team which consisted of 5 guys and a 3 1/2 week trip. Our mission was to start construction on a build-out inside an existing steel building which will eventually be offices for bible translation, a recording studio, a big worship room and more.


However the materials for the project were being held up at the port due to improper management,but we were able to get the the building ready for the materials and also did a lot of small projects at the Ywam base.

We also had the opportunity to join weekly outreach which consisted of street ministry and evangelism. The harvest is ripe in Papua New Guinea and people are very receptive to the gospel! It was an incredible privilege to see what God is doing in this nation and to be able to work alongside the people of Papua New Guinea and build lasting friendships that won't be forgotten.

Papua New Guinea is quite a unique and beautiful country, and the people there are very friendly and loving. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone!!

Arlan Beiler

Healy 2024

I was blessed to have the opportunity to go to Alaska with Flashpoint Missions to work on putting up an addition for "In His Shadow Ministries" in Healy!

It was a short two weeks with lots of adventures! My highlight of the trip was definitely how we started each day with group devotions, being able to hear and share about what God was doing in all of our lives.

Something that has stuck with me ever since is that God is not against us, he means what he says to us and what he says is true and he is always faithful.

If you are thinking about going with a Flashpoint team, just go, you won't be disappointed. It seems every time I have served alongside them i have received more than I could ever give and I am truly grateful for that as it has changed my life in so many ways!


Nepal 2024

 " Nestled between India and China lies a small country called Nepal. And in Nepal is a children's home where my team and I were blessed to stay for two weeks while in Nepal to help build a large pavilion for fellowship meals after church services."

" The founder Pastor V is an amazing person who has dedicated his life and work for the past 30 years to the glory of God! This has been an experience of a lifetime to go to a third world country and help these people in building more on the church facility that Pastor V has started solely on donations from around the world."

" I myself will be forever changed! It's a reality check to know that the God we serve and love is not only here where we live in America but also halfway around the world."

-Mike, Volunteer-

Esther Glick

Germany 2024

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and Friend, the One to whom we give all honor and glory!

Working with Flashpoint has been my highlight in the past year and I want to give a huge shoutout to all the people working behind the scenes helping things flow smoothly. One thing that I have noticed to be a theme throughout Flashpoint projects is that by the time they get back, the volunteers’ lives seem to be touched as much as the people they went to help! I have heard countless stories of the amazing work that God has done in people’s hearts and lives through Flashpoint trips. I believe that when we open our hearts to the idea that our lives aren’t really our own, but God’s, and we chose to serve others with our lives, we open the door to so much more of what God wants to teach us and bless us with. 

God bless you all as you seek first the kingdom of God!

J R Blank

Alaska Bus trip 2024

 Greetings Friends, as I sit here this morning beside the lake with snow capped mountains in the background, there is a stirring in my soul that I cannot explain. I think of the people who will read this and I think of two songs: "Never Once" by Matt Redman and "One step away from the Lord" by the Schwartz Family, knowing that we all are on a journey thousands of miles apart but only one step away from the Lord and knowing we never walked alone! 

We left Lancaster PA early Thursday and traveled 4000 miles to North Pole, Alaska with lots of conversations and laughter, wild fires, and bears! My team arrived at Victory Bible Camp on Monday afternoon and tore some of the roof off and reshingled about 90 sq ft of roof along with lots of good conversation. It feels great to do physical labour after so many miles of travel! We completed all the work they planned for us in the first week so we are still figuring out the schedule for next week.

Jeremiah 17:7 Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

Gideon Fisher

Alaska, Nepal, & PNG

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, to him be all honor and glory.

 As a frequent volunteer with Flashpoint Missions I first of all say thank-you to Desh and family and the rest of the Flashpoint staff for all their efforts. I am ever grateful for the many opportunities i have had to partner with them it has had such and impact on my life. I never want to take for granted the opportunity to spend time away from what's normal in my life and to be able to do it with fellow believers has been such a blessing to me. And as a volunteer I have had the incredible opportunity to witness first hand some of the ways Gods Kingdom is being furthered through Flashpoint to Him be all glory. To not only see the impact the various projects have logistically but far more important the souls of people, especially in the hearts of the volunteers. If you are thinking of volunteering with Flashpoint i could not recommend it enough! I can personally say it will truly be a blessing to you as you give of your time and resources.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works ,which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10.

May all we say and do glorify our Lord and Savior.


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Partner Ministry Testimonies

Healy, Alaska

In His Shadow Ministries
Church Addition

"I can’t express how blessed we all feel by the work that went into building the extension on our dining room at In His Shadow Church.The team that came to serve us were amazing! Not just their building skills, but the hearts that went with it."

"It is hard to find the words to express the gratitude we feel for those who came, but also Flash Point Ministries as they continue to serve others."

-Binky Graham, IHS Pastor-

Papua New Guinea

YWAM Madang
Warehouse Conversion 2024

As an extension of YWAM Ships in Kona, Hawaii, we embody the mandate of Matthew 28 to reach every tribe and tongue. Our mission is to ensure that everyone has access to the Bible in their mother tongue, especially in Papua New Guinea, where numerous languages lack any translated scripture.

We believe that YWAM Madang is poised to serve as a lighthouse, illuminating the path to God's word for PNG and the rest of the world!

 The Flashpoint volunteers were instrumental in our project, contributing to renovating bathrooms and pouring concrete for water tanks, constructing laundry rooms, and more. Their invaluable assistance was indispensable, and we simply couldn't have accomplished what we did without them.

-Juda Parriera- YWAM Madang


I58/ Global Nomads
Missionary Housing 2024

 Since February this year, an unbelievably dedicated team is working like industrious ants. Putting in their heart, soul and manpower under sometimes very hard conditions.

 Ever since they arrived the house took a massive leap in progress.

 It is amazing to see what these Angels have accomplished in just a short period of time! Just the fact that someone flys in from the states, believing in the vision and volunteering their time gave us a big boost and we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!

  We plan, if God wills, to have the house ready to receive the first guests in summer. That takes a good load of some more miracles, a thing that we are getting used to:)

It is all thanks to God and the amazing Gift from the Flashpoint volunteers.

-Fabian Buschuaer-


Church Interior 2024

Galatians 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

 We are truly blessed to have the Flashpoint teams in Nepal for our church construction work. Our church in Nepal has learned many things from them.

 Our church construction was in critical condition, and we almost stopped the work, but God sent Flashpoint teams to Nepal to encourage and show the believers that, he has raised a people like Flashpoint to carry others burdens with love and care.

We thank God for them. Not only did they do the construction work, but they did it in such a neat and professional manner, making it sure that their work is for the glory of God. The church building construction is finished now, and we thank God for giving vision to people like Dan Esh to form the Flashpoint Missions organization. May God continue to bless Flashpoint Missions as they do God's work.

-Pastor V-

Healy, Alaska

Last Frontier ministries
LFM Dorm 2023

 "In 2014 we met Dan Esh in Kona, Hawaii which formed a relationship that is continuing strong to this day.

Since 2016 Dan Esh has been bringing short term teams to build our 3600 ft.² mechanic shop with apartment above it, our pavilion, coffee shop, and finally our dormitory, which will also host the discipleship training school."

"Without the help of Dan Esh and Flashpoint Mission‘s this project would have been impossible. They started by bringing one or two short term two week mission building teams. In the last several years they have been hosting five teams per summer, just here in Healy. The young men and women who have come up mainly from Lancaster Pennsylvania has been a godsend to our ministry here in Alaska.

-Rob Graham-

North Pole, Alaska

Helping Hands
Food Warehouse 2023

Last summer Flashpoint built a much needed Wash House with toilets, showers and sinks for our three room - 30 bed guest housing we have for work teams. 

  This summer they sent skilled laborers build our new missionary building that will have a warehouse for donated items and additional housing for all the missionaries. They've done a major roofing project, deck, and car port amongst all sorts of smaller things. 

  We never could have had these projects completed with more knowledgeable, competent and willing servants than those who have come from Flashpoint. We are thankful for their ministry out to the villages and also for their much needed help for our ministry. 

-Jason and Jonie Mellinger-

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