Who We Are Serving
Founded in 2009 by Eric & Leslie Ludy, Ellerslie specializes in training Christians, the world over, in practical, functional Christianity. They are interested in a Christianity that actually works, not one that just has good theories, but one that has good practice and actually reveals the person of Jesus Christ in and through word and deed. They offer a wide variety of curriculums and discipleship courses, all hosted on the beautiful Ellerslie campus in Windsor, CO. Click here to learn more about Ellerslie Discipleship programs.
Most of the buildings on campus were built in 1997, and by 2020 were in dire need of updating, as signs of decay and breakdown were everywhere. A comprehensive renovation was begun, and Ellerslie reached out to Flashpoint for assistance with the final stages in winter 2023. Projects on the docket for Fall 2024 are interior renovations to the chapel, building offices, and possibly starting a kitchen renovation.