We have had many volunteers and ministries from various different backgrounds, here is what they have to say about working with us
"Greetings to Ya'll in the name of Jesus Christ, the One who saved us and washed us from all our sins. All honor, and glory and praise to Him forever."
"First of all, a huge" Thank You" to Desh and Kath, and Flashpoint Missions for making this trip Possible. I first came to Alaska on June 28 2023 on a two week trip, but soon after I was here, decided to extend my stay, and eventually canceled my flight home all together hand ended up staying all summer This has been a life changing trip. Plus I got to travel to places like Old Minto and Mcgrath and help the people there for a while."
"Also when You come to Alaska, You get to see some beautiful scenery, not to mention all the hiking and fishing that's available"
Our family served at KHBC in summer, 2022. We had an amazing time serving as a family with Flashpoint. It was a great mission experience, and definitely made our family interested in serving in missions some more in the future. It never ceases to amaze me how when we serve others, we always end up being blessed even as we serve.
These were the exact words from one of the children: ("Serving in Alaska has sparked an interest and love for missions within me. Also, working alongside and getting to know other people is very rewarding. Something that I learned is that prayer is a very important part of our lives, and we need to pray regularly for our missionaries.")
The Esh's......
"My wife and I wanted something more fulfilling than a vacation for our family this summer so when the opportunity arose to go to Healy, Alaska with our family as a unit we were excited to serve alongside our children."
We wanted to introduce our kids to serving in God's kingdom in a meaningful way, to make a difference.
Also, it's a blessing to see our kids experience the wildlife in Alaska, Jonah (our youngest) has an obsession with wildlife. Being able to see four moose up close in one hike was an absolute thrill to him!!
Desh and Kathryn are church friends of ours and we are eternally grateful to them and Flashpoint Missions for providing an avenue for us (along with many others) to impact God's kingdom for his Glory.. Thank you!
-Steve and Kath-
"My highlight from working with Flashpoint is seeing what the Lord does through people by using their talents and gifts.Also, spending time in the great outdoors with the teams."
"In my time on Staff, God has helped me to see the importance of fellowship and relationships." "If you are on the fence about joining a team to help build the kingdom, don't be like Jonah.
There is a huge need for people with construction skills in the mission field. Also as a bonus, you get to see Alaska!" -Lee-
"The Flashpoint team's construction help has enabled us to continue on the mission we have been called to, preaching the gospel and discipling believers."
-Roger Huntington-
717 951 2199
PO Box 299 Intercourse PA 17534
Established in 2021